Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Touchit (13th FUI, May 2012-2015)

Participants : Michel Amberg, Frédéric Giraud, Betty Lemaire-Semail [correspondant] .

The purpose of this project is twofold. It aims at designing and implementing hardware solutions for tactile feedback based on programmable friction. It also aims at developing the knowledge and software tools required to use these new technologies for human-computer interaction. Grant for MINT is balanced on 272 keuro handled at University for L2EP, and 220 Keuros for Inria.

Partners: STMicroelectronics, CEA/LETI, Orange Labs, CNRS, EASii IC, MENAPIC and ALPHAUI.

Competitive clusters involved: Minalogic, Cap Digital and MAUD.

Equipex IRDIVE (ANR project 2012-2020)

3 Meuros project, co-funded by ERDF for the developpement of a pluri-disciplinary project on ICT-based tools for understanding human perception of visual contents. Laurent Grisoni is member of the lead group of this project, and animates an axis devoted to art-sciences and technologies collaborations.

MAUVE CPER ("Contrat de Plan État-Région") 2016-2020 project

Funds: 4 Meuros (validated at national level, funded by Region), and 1 Meuro additional funding provided by ERDF.

Subject: ICT tools for mediation and access to knowledge.

Lead: University of Lille, University of Artois. Laurent Grisoni is co-lead of this project.

Projet FUI HID: lead Holusion (2016-2018)

Participants : Laurent Grisoni [correspondant] , Samuel Degrande, Fabrice Aubert.

290 Keuros for MINT. Funding for two 18 months contracts and 24 months of post-doc.

Subject: rationalized process for industrial use of holographic displays.

MINT contribution: anamorphic software tools for holographics displays, and study of interactive aspects, including collaborative activities. This project has been prematurily stopped by french government.


Participants : Laurent Grisoni [correspondant] , Samuel Degrande, Francesco de Comité.

Art/science Inria internal network gathering projects interested in collaborating with artists.

Inria teams involved: MuTANT (paris), Imagine (grenoble), Flowers, Potioc (Bordeaux), Hybrid, MimeTic (Rennes). This initiative shall take advantage of an agreement between Inria and french ministry of culture, signed early december 2016.

MATRICE (sept 2015-sept. 2017

Participant : Laurent Grisoni [correspondant] .

This regional project, funded by ERDF, led by lille school of architecture, aims at understanding in which way 3D printing may be interesting for the building economy. partners: école d'architecture de Lille, Inria, ecole centrale de lille, télécome Lille 1, Ecole des mines de douai.